We are an Al-Anon group who believes in the power of our Steps and Traditions. By using this site, you agree you have read The 12 Steps of Al-Anon, 12 Traditions of Al-Anon, and The Three Obstacles to Success (page 22 in the Groups at Work Al-Anon publication)
As part of this, we do not mention: non-Al-Anon programs, including other 12 Step groups; literature other than our Conference Approved Literature (see hyperlink below); religion, churches or outside organizations.
Members who violate the Terms of Service will be warned, and can be put on moderated status or removed from the group.
Why Conference Approved Literature?
Members must login once every 90 days to keep their accounts active. Once you have passed the 90 mark, your account can be deleted without notice. All content will be attributed to a generic user (“Past User”) and is not recoverable or able to be deleted. Should you want your content deleted, please file a data deletion request from the privacy policy page.